05/16/08: X_Loto made an important discovery regarding in-battle status blocks. Sweetness! Details below. 05/18/08: More work from Mr. Loto. It's getting there! 05/28/08: Thanks again to X_Loto there's more info in here. 06/12/08: Waylay got his lazy ass around to doing something. Yeah, he fixed ONE grammatical mistake that probably went completely unnoticed anyway. Woo. 01/06/09: Lawl. In the above update note I had left a 'y' out of 'anyway.' Ironic, really, and now corrected. Slots are relative--ie, leaving the first "slot" open on the status screen will not skip "slot1" in battle-- the character in "slot2" (or 3, etc.) on the status screen will then be "slot1" in battle. Each section of in-battle stats is 0x204 (516) bytes long. This is an attempt to decode those bytes. I had suspected, and X_Loto has confirmed via debugger, that stat blocks start earlier than initially stated here. Rather than beginning at 1D824, the ACTUAL stat blocks follow: 1D800/1DA04/1DC08/1DE0C/1E010 - PCs 1E214/1E418/1E61C/1E820/1EA24 - ?? 1EC28/1EE2C/1F030/1F234/1F438 - Monsters 1F63C/1F840/1FA44/1FC48/1FE4C - ?? <-- Interestingly, x_loto's findings indicate this last block is not actually used (the first 3 blocks of 204hx5 are cleared by a routine which left the 4th block as it was.) 00--23: ??? 24--25: Current HP 26--27: ??? 28--29: Base MaxHP (Corresponds with status byte 04--05, says x_loto) 2A--2B: ??? 2C--2D: Max HP (Maybe this factors in RaySword? That's Waylay's present hypothesis.) 2E--2F: ??? 30--31: Current LP 32--33: Max LP 34--35: Current WP 36--37: Max WP 38--39: Current JP 3A--3B: Max JP 3C: Race/Gender byte (Corresponds to status byte 16, says mr. loto) 3D: Corresponds to status byte A1 (credit to x_loto) 3E--49: ??? 4A--4B: Status (see below) 4C--5B: ??? 5C: Total Str 5D: Total Qui 5E: Total Int 5F: Total Wil 60: Total Psy 61: Total Vit 62: Total Cha 63: ??? 64: Base Str 65: Base Qui 66: Base Int 67: Base Wil 68: Base Psy 69: Base Vit 6A: Base Cha 6B: ??? 6C: Str mod (magic) 6D: Qui mod (magic) 6E: Int mod (magic) 6F: Wil mod (magic) 70: Psy mod (magic) 71: Vit mod (magic) 72: Cha mod (magic) 73: ??? 74: Str mod (equipment) 75: Qui mod (equipment) 76: Int mod (equipment) 77: Wil mod (equipment) 78: Psy mod (equipment) 79: Vit mod (equipment) 7A: Cha mod (equipment) 7B--7C: ??? Seems 58 might have something to do with VictoryRune, went to 0D. 7D: Something to do with LightSword, Shield, and the like, it seems. Also modified by equipment. 7E: Equipment weight. 7F: ??? 80-8F: Equipped Abilities 90-E1: ??? B2-B9: Equipment BA: RaySword hidden slot (see below) BB: LightSword hidden slot (see below) BC-D9: ??? DA-E1: Defense values (see below) E2: 05/20/08: This actually appears to be the internal value for what monster the creature is--while changing it won't cause graphics or names to change for the enemy, it will, for example, register as a different creature when a Mystic absorbs it; it does, however, change the name on the 'monster absorb' list at the end of a battle. 05/28/08 Also, x_loto discerned that for characters this is the CharID#. (Corresponds to status byte 00) E3: Sprite (for characters--different for monsters? Thanks to x_loto for this) (Corresponds to status byte 01) E4--E9: ??? EA--EB: Character's Battle Counter (x_loto) EC--ED: Corresponds to status bytes 9E--9F (x_loto once again~) EF--F1: ??? F2--141: Corresponds exactly to bytes 38-87 of character status blocks. (Thanks to x_loto for this! He also realized that 13A--141 do NOT actually affect byte 90 of the character status block, contrary to prior opinion.) F2--131: I know I'm repeating here, but these are the bit-toggle values for known skills/abilities. x_loto pointed this out. ^^ 131--141: Correspond directly to status bytes 78--87; deals with Monster Form, Monster BaseHP, and Mystic Absorbs, although there are still 10d (0A) bytes unconfirmed. (credit to x_loto) 142--163: ??? 164--165: Something to do with monster form--checks to see if Monster bit is set in Race/Gender, along with byte 1BA. (credit to x_loto) 166--167: ??? 168--169: Last tech selected in battle. (Thanks to x_loto! Man's on fire tonight~) 168: Which menu command is on: 00--09: Equipment slots 1-10 (9 and 10 are theoretically the 'hidden' equipment slots at BA and BB) 0D: Monster skills 0E: Fists 0F: Magic 10: Mec skills If an invalid menu is force-fed it just defaults to the next higher valid menu. 169: Command's position in menu. 16A: Corresponds to status byte 17 (more of x_loto's detective work ^^) 16B: Magick Gifts! Corresponds to status byte 15. (credit to x_loto, and shame on me for not seeing that sooner. :P) 16C: Is set to F0. (x_loto: why? I dunno) (Waylay: I concur o0) 16D--17B: ??? 17C--185: 5 2-byte values copied directly from status bytes 88--91 (more of x_loto's work..all were 00 00) 186--18B: ??? 18C--193: Monster absorbable skills 194--19B: Copied directly from status bytes 30--37 (thanks to x_loto for this--I'm sure we'll figure out what they're for eventually. :P) 19C--1B9: 1BA: Something to do with Monster form, along with bytes 164--165. (credit to x_loto) 1BB--204: ??? Status bit information: 1: Stasis? 2: Infinity--Magician Arcane effect? Does nothing if given to a character. 4: Sparkle--VMAX effect 8: Sparkle--SoulRune effect 10: Sparkle--Awakening effect 20: Blind 40: Stone 80: Venom 0100: Angry 0200: Charm 0400: Mess (Red) 0800: Mess (Yellow) 1000: Mess (Blue) 2000: Sleep 4000: Palsy 8000: Flat--Faint? Still alive, if HP>0 The RaySword/LightSword hidden slots work for any weapon you put there manually; it's just that game code puts the appropriate weapon there when AlkaiserChange or LightSword is active. Defense values: DA: Slashing DB: Blunt DC: Piercing DD: Fire DE: Ice DF: Electric E0: Force/Light/Sonic E1: Status